Class of 1972 50th Reunion Planning

We had a Zoom reunion committee meeting for North High School 50th Class Reunion on Thursday, April 29, 2021. One of the things discussed, we need to get a date set. It is hard to look for a venue when we do not have a date. We discussed this at length and believe one of these 3 dates would be best. If you would please choose which date would work best for you. Please let us know your choice that would be great.
- If you are a member of the Facebook group Sherry said she could institute a poll so you could vote there.
- If you are Not on Facebook, not a problem. You can do one of these options, they are in no particular order any would be great:
- use the comment section at the bottom of this post
- the contact us form for the website
- email me
Here are the dates that were discussed:
- July 23, 2022
- August 20, 2022
- September 17, 2022
Deb Miller-Baldwin, Larry Ricketts and I are going to meet and look at a couple of venues. It was also discussed about blocking out rooms for those coming from out of town. We will check to see if we can get a block of rooms at one of the local Venus. We have created a list of other venues that we are looking at but for now the date is the most important.
We are looking to reach all or our classmates. This is our 50th reunion and is a big one! Please reach out to your contact list. As a side note I want you to understand does not contain any of your personal information, well other than your name. I have never stored your information there. So far we have a count of:
- 93 Classmates with a good email and a verified address
- 2 Classmates that have asked not to be contacted
- 56 Classmates who are deceased.
If you have not already, go to the classmates list. Please make sure your name is spelled correctly, and is in the correct color. If you have not done these things please click the button.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the next reunion. Please Vote!!!
Just to let everyone know that the voting is coming out as follows. The Facebook group has
23 votes for August
12 votes for September
6 votes for July
My first date option is Sept. Second choice would be July.
Thank you, Committee. I vote for August 20th. Thanks for asking – Ann
My name is spelled incorrectly on the classmates list. Instead of Robin Massie McDoinnell it should be Robin Massie McDonnell (no “i”). Please place my vote for 9/17/22. Thanks!
Robin Massie McDonnell
I fixed it. My apologies and thank you for alerting me.
Hi Darryl,
Thank you for all of your work!
I looked at the dates and I vote for Aug/Sept because the July 23rd date is likely to be near the Clark County Fair dates and I have “Grands” showing animals. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who might be effected by the July date.
One venue you might want to look into is the Champion Center at the fairgrounds. It was recently in the news that a new hotel will be built at the fairgrounds. Just a thought.
Thanks Mary,
I have “Grands” showing as well. I did not even think about that.
The Champion Center at the fair grounds is on the list.
Hi Darrel and Committee. Thank you and the Committee for your efforts to make a 50th happen! Pretty sure the August 20th date will work! Phil
My vote is September 17, 2022. Other days are family birthdays. Mark Rowe
Hello, folks!
I vote for September with August as a close second.
My first choice would be September with my second choice being August.
Chuck and I are available for any of the choices. Mary’s suggestion about July 23 makes sense, so we vote for September, with August as a second choice. Thanks, Darrel, for keeping us up to date!
Darrel, thanks for all the work you are doing. My first choice would be September, second August.
I vote for September 17th, 2022 is after a few birthdays on previous dates.
Hi Darrel,
I can’t believe we’re talking about a 50 year reunion (already?!) Since we are, however, my date preferences in order – (1) August; (2) September; (3) July.
Please note that I still use my maiden name (Freed) so please change from “Sprague” back to that. My husband is still wondering why after nearly 30 years.
Thanks to everyone working on this.
I changed your name back in the spreadsheet… thanks for letting me know!
September is my first choice, and August a distant second choice. Thanks to all for your work on the reunion. Looking forward to seeing everyone.